Lotus Health & Healing
Shirodhara in Ayurveda
By Marilyn St- Pierre: Graduate of: Ayurveda Institute of America, Author, Artist, Reiki Master
Shirodhara, popularly known as third eye treatment, is a purifying and rejuvenating therapy designed to eliminate toxins and mental exhaustion as well as relieve stress
and any ill effects on the central nervous system in a unique ancient therapy, oil is poured on the forehead from a copper pot continuously and rhythmically, allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hair. This results in a fantastic sense of deep relaxation and inner peace. It works on the cerebral system, helps to relax the nervous system and balances the prana vayu around the head. Prana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the head down to the navel which is the pranic center of the physical body bringing positive changes in body and mind. The treatment improves the function of the five senses, helps with insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression, hair loss, fatigue, imbalance sand leaves one calm and fresh.
Shirodhara: Helps in the diseases/disorders related with the head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, throat and nervous system.
Shirodhara Oil: This tridoshic blend is made entirely of organic ingredients and formulated specifically for Shirodhara.
Ingredients include: bhringaraj, brahmi, ashwagandha, shatavari and skullcap in a base of sesame and sunflower oils.
The Lotus Health & Healing Center also stocks a selection of Ayurveda herbs.
Brahmi: A pitta-soothing herb that is beneficial for calming and clearing the mind and enhancing peaceful meditation.
Ashwagandha: This vata-pacifying herb can be used to nourish and strengthen the muscles. Useful for athletes and those weakened by debility due to old age or illness.
Shatavari: A rejuvenative herb for vata and pitta that promotes vitality and strength. Maintains a healthy female reproductive system, removes excess pitta, soothes inflammations and supports digestion and immunity.
Skullcap: A powerful medicinal herb and nervine with mild sedative, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
Bhringaraj: Known in India for its abilities to promote hair growth and help prevent premature graying. Also used in Ayurveda to calm the mind andfor a variety of pitta-related imbalances.
About Marilyn St-Pierre
Marilyn St-Pierre is a Graduate of Ayurveda Institute of America, a certified holistic practitioner of Ayurveda “The Science of Life.”
Reiki Master degree, advanced sound therapy, aromatherapy,
chakra healing, voice analysis, color therapy and intuitive
clairvoyant readings. Marilyn was initiated into kriya yoga in
1988 by Elder Yogi Swami Hariharananda Paramahansa Yogananda.
She is the author of her new book “THE HEALING JOURNEY OF
SPIRITUAL ART” A Celebration of Freedom (2006).
Featured Magazines: United World, Inspiration magazine, Japan Airlines, Anamone Magazine Japan 2010 Anan Magazine 2008, Beauty magazine Japan, and recently featured in Star People magazine Japan 2011
Seen on KHON2 2010 Honolulu
Guided by spirit 2002 Honolulu
Heart Touch Los Angeles 2000