Oahu Health Guide - 10 Tips For Reducing Jet Lag
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Oahu Health Talk 10 Tips For Reducing Jet Lag when traveling to Hawaii

10 Tips For Reducing Jet Lag when traveling to Hawaii

1. Pack Smart!
In addition to savoring your vacation destination planning, think about what activities \"\"and adventures you plan to enjoy, then pack accordingly. If you plan to walk the lava fields of Volcano’s National Park on the Big Island keep in mind that some lava is very sharp and proper hiking shoes are necessary. If you plan to explore trails through rainforests bring shoes you don’t mind getting really muddy or plan to purchase a pair of water moccasins while in Hawaii (around $10)  The islands of Hawaii have many diverse ecosystems, each with different climates. Generally it is around 70 degrees F at sunny beaches around the islands. Cooler in higher elevations or as evening progresses.You do not need to bring a suit, dress slacks, or fancy cloths to the islands. Snorkel gear can be rented for around $2.00/day. The casual attitude and dress code for the islands is "hang loose".


HOT TIP: Aloha attire is all you need at even the fanciest restaurants. From toothpaste to a new bathing suit, to camping gear, you can easily purchase everything you might need in Hawaii so pack light!

2 Be Proactive with Jet Lag
Don\'t stay up late the night before departure, packing for your trip. Adequate sleep before, during and after a flight will reduce the wear and tear on your mind and body. Wear loose comfortable clothing during flight that allow you to relax and can be layered for warmth or temperature changes such as a track suit or elastic waist line. Doctors recommend day of rest for every time zone crossed. For quick trips. a good practical way to reset your circadian rhythms is to spend as much time as possible in natural sunlight to cue your cells to the local time.

HOT TIP: “One Homeopathy remedy for jet lag that people can try is Cocculus,” says Stephen Messer, N.D., dean of the National Center for Homeopathy’s summer school and a naturopathic physician in Eugene, Oregon. He suggests a 6C dose five to ten minutes before you board the airplane. Then after you arrive at your destination, continue taking it up to twice daily for two to three days to help you adjust to the new time zone, he says. Cocculus is available in many health food stores.

3. In-flight Exercise and Stretching
Isometric exercises also keep blood flowing, energizing tired legs and helping to prevent the possibility of developing blood clots. Toe Curls, Calf Contractions and Isometric exercises, as well as simple yoga such as Forward Bends, and Seated Spinal Twists can all be done while seated, although doctors recommend walking the aisles at least once every hour to maintain good circulation. Avoid tight bras, close toed shoes or constricting belt lines that restrict breathing deeply. natural cotton or silk clothing travels well and keeps you cool.

Stretching following a flight will accelerate acclimatization. Stretch on board as well especially before and after sleeping. The space next to the rest rooms often is large enough to lift your knee to your chest and hug it. Squatting on your heels and resting your elbows on your knees will stretch your hamstring, the body\'s largest muscles. In the squat position rock forward and back and then side to side. Reach your hands over your heads and stretch from side to side to give your lungs room to move.

HOT TIP: Book a massage in advance for the day you arrive. Massage Therapists in Hawaii are all state licensed professionals and can help work out the travel kinks fast and help you get the most quality time out of your stay. You can find a massage therapist in the Hawaii Health Guide.com directory

4. Air Quality
Hypoxia, a deficiency of oxygen in the blood, contributes to the "cabin fever" on airplanes. In order to save fuel, pilots may turn off one of the three air-conditioning units, called "packs", during long flights, resulting in reduced air flow in the cabin. If you are feeling sleepy or like you would like a breath of fresh let the flight attendant know, specifically asking him or her to ask the pilots for "full utilization of air".

"Essential oils are so great for jet lag that some airlines have started giving aroma therapy kits to their first-class passengers,” says Victoria Edwards, an aroma therapist in Fair Oaks, California. But there’s a cheaper way to beat jet lag, according to Edwards: Travel coach and pick up the essential oils lavender, geranium and rosemary on your way to the airport.
While flying, Edwards says, put a drop or two of lavender on a wet washcloth and wipe your forehead and temples. “This eases flying jitters and gets rid of that keyed-up feeling,” she explains. Once you’re off the plane and settled in, banish exhaustion with a soothing bath. Edwards recommends adding 10 to 15 drops of geranium oil as the water is running. “Geranium is an adrenal stimulant and will help you get your second wind,” she says. Finally, banish drowsiness by inhaling an invigorating scent such as rosemary. “Put a single drop on a tissue and inhale whenever you need an energy boost,” Edwards suggests.

HOT TIP: For natural aromotherapy- stick a plumeria blossom behind your ear or wear a flower lei around your neck after you land in the islands. Have fun combining your aromotherapy with Hawaiian dating tips: The Plumeria blossom goes behind right ear for singles, left for married folks.

5. Water Hydrotherapy
Flying is more dehydrating then a trip to the desert. The moisture content of planes on long flights gradually falls to below 10. We feel good in air that is 55 percent humid. Dehydration leads to wooziness, malaise, swollen feet, constipation and dry mucous membranes, which are then more susceptible to illness. Bring your own bottled water and sip at least a quart during your day of travel. The tap water on the plane will contain more chemicals and will not be as refreshing as spring water. On a regular flight, you can splash your face with water, or mist with rose water upon landing.


HOT TIP: Plan on heading for the ocean as soon as possible, even if it is just to stop for a quick walk on the beach, the fresh moist air on your skin and lungs will help the body rehydrate more quickly and refresh your spirits too.

6. Food
Eat Smart! In general, airline food is high in fat, sodium and chemicals. Avoid salty foods such as pretzels, and skip the alcohol and cola drinks while in mid air. Pack an apple or an orange. Consider ordering in advance a special meal, such as Low-Cholesterol, Kosher, Vegetarian (with or without dairy), Hindu or Muslim. and stash a few healthy snacks to avoid the sluggishness that comes from airline food. When you land, enjoy a fresh green or fruit salad with papaya to avoid your digestive system from being bogged down from traveling. Enjoy the bountiful fresh tropical fruits of the islands. Try starting your day with a smoothie instead of coffee during your vacation.

HOT TIP: Ayurvedic food remedies for reducing Jet Lag/Motion Sickness
For jet lag or motion sickness, take one ginger capsule, or drink real ginger ale an hour before your flight takes off, says Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc., director of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. You can take another capsule between flights, he says. ginger capsules are available in most health food stores

7. Boost Your Immune System
A plane\'s airtight cabin is the breeding ground for germs and infections. As much as 70 percent of the air you inhale on a plane has been recirculated through the cabin. To help fight off infection the following naturopathic regimen for healthy adults is recommended: Beginning several days prior to flying, take one teaspoon of a concentrated echinacea tincture, an immune system booster, 3-5 times daily; 30 to 60 milligrams of zinc picolinate or zinc citrate, in capsule form, with meals; 50,000 international units of Vitamin A daily for 4 days and two grams of Vitamin C 2-4 times daily. Wash your hands (and children\'s hands) often or carry soap less antiseptic and use it frequently while traveling through public areas especially during cold and flu season.

HOT TIP: If you travel frequently, consider purchasing a personal portable air ionizer.

8. Pack a hat, cap, sunscreen and sunglasses and USE THEM.
Eyestrain can cause fatigue and headaches. Travelers are often excited and unprepared for the sun\'s intensity of Hawaii\'s subtropics and a sunburn nor only increases the risks of skin cancer but will reduce the joy of a vacation, (especially if it is a honeymoon!).. A foldable fabric cap or hat can reduce glare, keep the hair out of your face in the trade winds, help keep your thoughts cool and reduce the risk of sunburn while you get oriented, especially if you are renting a convertible.

HOT TIP: Sunglasses need to have UV protection to protect your eyes. Best ones are wrap arounds that block ambient light rays too.

9. NO need for and Adrenaline Rush...Plan Ahead!
Don\'t stress out while on vacation! Anticipate security delays and traffic snarls. For domestic flights, arrive at the airport at least 90 minutes before your scheduled departure. For international flights to and from Hawaii, give yourself two hours. Bring government-issued photo identification. For elderly or absent minded people, take the guess work out of the paper trail and consider purchasing a passport pouch to wear around your neck to keep tickets and ID together.

HOT TIP: Beware you are on Hawaiian Time! Hawaii does not observe daylight savings time. During the Spring months, when the clock is turned ahead, Hawaii is 6 hours behind Eastern Standard Time (EST), 3 hours behind Pacific Standard Time (PST). In the Fall, when the clocks are turned back, Hawaii is 5 hours behind EST, 2 hours behind PST

10. Start your vacation early and take some aloha home with you.
A Hawaii vacation is about relaxing. Get a jump start on the process. get your monies worth and adjust your aloha attitude early. A smile is contagious. Be courteous to travels and airline employees. Ask questions about weather and destinations and be flexible to adjust your travel plans to accomodate the unexpected.


HOT TIP: A smile is contagious! Slow down and enjoy the flowers while you are in Hawaii, and don\'t forget to stop at the lei stand and take some Aloha spirit to your hosts, or to the folks back home.




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